By: Stephanie Anderson

Newly naturals learn very quickly that the products you once used on your relaxed tresses don’t work the same on your natural mane. The needs of naturally curly, coily and kinky textured hair are very different. You might not need to throw out all of your hair products from your relaxed days, but if they contain any of these ingredients, you should avoid them like the plague if you want gorgeous and healthy hair:

1. Sulfates: Avoid shampoos that contain this powerful detergent. Our natural tresses need moisture and shampoos with this ingredient will strip every drop of moisture from your hair. Sulfate free shampoos are becoming more popular and can usually be found in the natural cosmetic aisle in any drugstore or supermarket. If you have a hard time finding a sulfate free shampoo, try co-washing. Most people don’t know that conditioners like V05 and Suave have very mild detergents that will clean your hair and scalp without stripping it of necessary oils.

2. Mineral oil: This is just about in every product that I used as a relaxed head. Instead of moisturizing your hair, it coats the hair shaft preventing moisture from coming in. The outside of the container might say that the product is moisturizing, but if this is in the ingredient list, BEWARE!

3. Cones: Cones, like mineral oil, tend to coat the hair, not allowing necessary moisture to make it to the hair shaft.

4. Alcohol: This is a bad, bad word if you are natural. Alcohol is very drying and will strip your hair of all its essential oils. Alcohol can usually be found in styling products, so be on the look out!

5. Your life as a natural presents very different challenges than when you were relaxed.

Just remember that moisture is your friend and try to stay away from products that will do the exact opposite.